Ive been told a lot of things but never the KING! yup it seems being a man of my word and strong father and a person who expects people to do what they say. Makes me a KING! Ive been told its my way or no way, and maybe it reads that way but only if you want to do it the right way. Ive been told I've ran all my friends off. Many have left but what you ll see is only the true ones have stayed. It takes more then just saying your my friend to be my friend. Again you must do what you say your going to do and leave all the bullshit excuses at home better yet none at all. I'm honest and that makes me a ASS. Id rather be an ass the a liar. So the end result is I'm not a hard person to get along with if your a good person from the start. So before you judge me. Look in the mirror and see if your the ass who's not a good friend at all.
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