Monday, December 1, 2008

Wind Blown at the Vortex

Sunday past was pretty good minus the wind and

"damaging winds" This was my first ride with my new 661 full face. We were hitting the DJs and every jump I was pulling to the left. So much on my last run I ended up in the wall on the LEFT!!! Bruised and Beat we moved onto the drops. The winds were so high and my impeding balance issue I stuck to the 3 bottom drops and 1 left drop. Nothing to risky but with the conditions there was plenty of risk!! Everything went well through out the morning. Hell we even hit Magic Mnt. I know I know we have NO business on that side of the road ahahahah. It was rough but fun at the same time. I hit some trees got jabbed on some rocks and hung up on my seat once to the point it ripped! I'm sore today but I'm not Timmy ahahaah Hey buddy lay off the smokes

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