Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oh I am BACK

Its been ages since I felt like blogging. Well today I'm going to JUMP to where I'm at now and may in a weeks time we can see where Ive been.

I just bought a new Subrosa Malum Fixed Gear Bike and finally got back to pedalling. I'm really stoked at the chance of some good riding weather again? Wheres my messenger bag I need to find my keys


Paulita said...

hey still here! On here quite often. I've added blogs onto my reader so I usually read those rather then post a blog post...but sometimes I do

Mighk said...

Hi mike:
I'm guessing that was your comment on Angie Ross's Sentinel My Word ("Protect the trail of giggles). We've got a new traffic cycling coming up thru the Safety Council. You should come and take it!
Keep track at www.commuteorlando.com